Friday, April 26, 2013

Results: 23/03/2013 to 25/04/2013

Some early season 2013 results. Much racing in the last month or so - an attempt to keep track of the wheres and the whens:

25 April: Casey Fields Criterium - B Grade
Extra windy outing at Casey - makes for a solid ~60min effort. Combined A/B field saw a breakaway 3/4 through the race evolve into a good working group of 4 that remained together for a bunch sprint finale.

Results: B Grade:
Kevin Murphy    
Cameron Senese
Brodie Gardner

7 April: Glenvale Criterium - B Grade
Glenvale came down to a bunch sprint.. Again..

A little flurry off the front with Matt Bennett..

Results: B Grade - 44 riders:
Tyson Chambers
Mark Kelly
Matthew Bennett
Fabio Angelini
Ryan Koroknai
Cameron Senese

23 March: Cycling Express Warburton ITT - Cycling Vic Open B Grade
Mountain climb ITT starting from the Warburton Hwy near the foot of Mt. Donna Buang, and racing to the top of Mt. Donna Buang (finish at the observation tower).
This was my first attempt at the Cycling Express Warburton ITT (the Donna Buang climb is a favourite). The climb itself is 16.8 km, and ascends 1069m at an average grade of 6.4%.

Results: Men B Grade top 10:    
Joel Carroll
Mornginton CC
Phillip Smith
Coburg CC
Rohan Andrew
St Kilda CC
Paul Martinico
Southern Masters CC
Christophe Naumovic
Coburg CC
Ross Hamilton
Blackburn CC
Daniel Bellis
Footscray CC
Cameron Senese
Blackburn CC
Evan Henley
Sunbury & Districts CC
Stephen Bick
Coburg CC

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Misc: 24/04/2013

Well I never.. Liege Panda has a Twitter account:

Bit of a boss, but I'm sure he can be tamed.. I hope JV has a role for him on the team - never know, might just go alright on a bike. I'm thinking possible team leader for races like Tour of China..

Monday, April 22, 2013

Misc: 22/04/2013

It's fair to say that all PM users make their own individual journeys in relation to their power measurement devices, and how thy use them - but it seems that there may be some typical patterns that evolve - particularly in relation to self-coached athletes - some common errors that self-coached athletes tend to make - some of which I have myself previously worked my way through.

I've been training with a power meter for a number of years now, and have read and accumulated a large amount of information on the topic. I've put many ideas into practice - with varying rates of success. Keep what works, discard what doesn't - adapt and evolve..

The following is a summarised version of an insightful discussion thread from a well known forum, mixed with some feedback of my own. One post in particular resonated with me, as it touched on some common and key issues that I have experienced - and also frequently come across both on-line and in conversation..

They picked up "The Book" (Training and Racing with a Power Meter), possibly Joe Friel's book, a power meter, and then set about trying to figure this all out. Granted this isn't everyone. A lot of people just slap the power meter on for fun, and never really make an effort. But a lot of analytically minded people, with various career backgrounds and interests, figured they'd give it go. ..

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

2013 Mt. Baw Baw Alpine Resort Classic

2013 heralds in the commencement of the Cycling Victoria "2013 Victorian Road Series".
One of the events comprising the new road race series is the Mt. Baw Baw Alpine Resort Classic - an epic and favourite event, now billed as the "toughest race on the calendar". I'm not arguing..

It's a pet event for me because it's not only a race against peers - but also a journey of discovery - push youself to excruciating limits both mental and physical - and hold it there.. A tough and beautiful parcours with a brutal mountain top finish - Baw Baw is amongst the very hardest climbs in Australia.

A race of various extremes - I have previously finished in searing heat, and falling snow - this year's edition was picture perfect, mild and windless to the finish - a big surprise!

My 2013 campaign was a personal success - I raced to the best of my ability and harbour no regrets - and therein lies the essence of a great day on the bike. Congratulations to friends and training partners alike that tackled the beast and have all done so well.

Thanks Warragul CC & CV. Thanks to the good folk at The Hurt Box for the stellar physical conditioning, also a huge thanks to my support crew: Fausto and Oliver - you guys made the day possible.

Baw Baw climb - Searing clarity soon fades to a hazy memory once you cross that finish line.. (c/o Tony Reeckman)

I look forward to this event every year, and I know that as the 2013 edition folds down to just a memory - an ephemeral bundled and labelled sequence of images and sounds, the 2014 edition will be just around the corner before I know it.. ready to slam it's way into the here and now with that unique Baw Baw Classic brand of reality... Bring it on!

Results: B Grade Masters top 10:
Anthony Wallace
Carnegie Caulfield CC 
Paul Makepeace
Latrobe City Cycling Club 
Matthew Ledgar
St Kilda Cycling Club Inc 
Benjamin Craven
St Kilda Cycling Club Inc 
James Grant
St Kilda Cycling Club Inc 
James Lechte
St Kilda Cycling Club Inc 
John Parncutt
St Kilda Cycling Club Inc 
Cameron Senese
Blackburn Cycling Club Inc 
Julien Fleurus
Hawthorn Cycling Club 
Paul Martinico
Southern Masters Cycling Club

Friday, February 15, 2013

Misc: 15/02/2013

Bike racing is not like running a 10km where you go as hard as you can for the distance.
In bike racing you go as hard as SOMEONE ELSE decides to go for as long as THEY decide.
Riding at threshold isn't that hard.  Riding significantly above threshold for an indeterminate period of time - that can be pretty ugly... K Metcalfe

Friday, January 18, 2013

DIY Power Meter

Keith Hack has posted his latest creation and accompanying DIY guide for the V3 cycle power meter. This design and accompanying software are claimed to measure L/R power. Fabulous..

The 3rd generation (current) DIY PM

Cost breakdown:

V3 Parts Costquantitypricetotal
Strain Gage212.525
Instrumentation Amp24.18.2
Low power ADC21836
Micocontroller (Pro Micro)12525
ANT+  AP2 Module12424
PCB (Rush Proto Service)137.537.5
Misc (Caps, wire, pins, etc)12020
Build a PM for:334.1

Misc: 18/01/2013

"A while back I worked like a dog on my bike (55 miles a day minimum), recorded my weight, calories, and percentages of fat, protein, and carbohydrate for every morsel of food that went into my mouth, and all that time I was struggling to constantly improve my tracking of every aspect of my nutritive life.

It was brutal, and I did it for an extended period of time. I eventually achieved what some were calling my high-school weight.

Immediately people started telling me I was naturally thin." Bob F.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Misc: 04/01/2013

Look what happens when you put your bike in different positions in relation to other riders or objects while travelling at 40kph...

Thanks to SweatScience for the image..