Summer of Track at BBN. B grade. Format: Scratch, Handicap and Motor Pace.
Scratch: 15 Laps. Rider at front of paceline broke early - I (2nd wheel) chased him down - shouldn't have - break would never had lasted. 3 laps to go x2 riders jumped off the front - I chased them down (yes, I do chase everything) - then the 'ol 1-2 played out - feeling the pressure after the chase I put my head down and immediately jumped as the counter attack came past. Held 3rd place until final meters - rider came around me. 4th Place.
Scratch: 15 Laps. Rider at front of paceline broke early - I (2nd wheel) chased him down - shouldn't have - break would never had lasted. 3 laps to go x2 riders jumped off the front - I chased them down (yes, I do chase everything) - then the 'ol 1-2 played out - feeling the pressure after the chase I put my head down and immediately jumped as the counter attack came past. Held 3rd place until final meters - rider came around me. 4th Place.
Handicap: 6 Laps (combined A/B). Full gas until group had formed that could work with - back markers came around 3/4 lap to go - I held on but got boxed in as they came around - think was 3rd place B grade. ? Place.
Motor Pace: 15 Laps. By 8 laps remaining I felt the pace was hot and maybe faster than normal, or I was more fatigued than normal. I was considering how everyone else was feeling, and thought a few might be dropped (I didn't look back). 2 laps to go I rolled off the back of the derny and looked down - a quick double take moment followed as there was only x1 rider left on my wheel - now we were down to a race for 1st or 2nd. 1.5 laps to go derny pulls off - other rider rolls through. I pull 1/2 lap turn and signal for other rider to roll through - he won't come by. Head down for 1/3 more lap - other rider attacks, I didn't have enough gas to get on his wheel. Other rider holds to win. 2nd Place.
3rd overall.
I have a tendency to chase moves when it's not warranted - got to put a lid on that urge. Anyways, it's all good training. The format of these races is too short for any sort of enduro engine to be able to shine - so maybe it's good I keep voluntarily driving myself into the red - more lactic bang for my enduro buck..