Monday, November 14, 2011

Log: 14/11/2011

Training Principles - 3:

Individualization, Periodization, Progressive Overload, Balance, Specificity, Reversiblility, Evaluation, Rest-Recuperation-Diet. 

"Training programs are organized by periods of time, each with a specific purpose and
emphasis, the aim being to make performance consistent and predictable while preventing overtraining and injury, by applying the appropriate training stress, in the proper amount, at the proper time, thus avoiding excessive and rapid changes in training load and its three variables (frequency, duration, and intensity). This process is often likened to the structure of a pyramid, perhaps Aztec or Mayan rather than Egyptian, since the targeted event or period of competition is more accurately represented by a plateau rather than a
classic peak.  Another analogy might be to higher education, where introductory courses that are broad in scope provide the basis for advanced courses where knowledge is applied more narrowly, as related to a particular area.

Similarly, physical training proceeds from general (i.e., aerobic) to specific conditioning, while overall training stress must be increased gradually, consistently, and incrementally.

Typical designations for the pre-season preparation period are “Base” (or “Foundation”), “Build,” and “Specialization,” followed by periods of competition and recuperation/rebuilding, then finally off-season phases of “Stabilization” and “Maintenance.”" Howe

14/11/2011 - Trainer

20min Recovery..

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